Domain Registrars and DNS Hosts That, Well, Suck

I encounter people every day who use domain registrars that have absolutely ridiculous policies, sub-par services, and who should be avoided, like the plague.

Below you will find a list of three said companies, and a few brief reasons why I strongly recommend against using their services.

There are definitely many others that belong on this list, so I may make future posts following up on this, however, for the time being, these are three that cause the most aggravation, generally speaking.


  • 1and1
    • Ridiculous wait times for minor changes, such as deleting a subdomain.
    • Inability to manage DNS for a domain within one interface. If you want to create a DNS entry for the www host, well, you’ll have to create a subdomain of “www” and then edit the DNS for that subdomain.
    • Ticky, touchy, broken, counter-intuitive, confusing, error-ridden UI.
    • Terrible customer service agents who speak broken English and have snotty attitudes, and treat you as if their craptacular system is the best thing since sliced bread. By the way, you’re an idiot for thinking that something as amazing as deleting a subdomain should be something you can do in realtime. All they do is read their on screen prompts, huff and puff, and are generally annoyed that they have to deal with you at all.


  • Yahoo Small Business
    • If you were expecting their UI to load a page in under 30 seconds, you should lower your expectations.
    • Terrible DNS management UI and options.
    • Recently changed their system to Aabaco Small Business which uses the same horrible interface and has the same old problems, with no real advantages that I can see. Also, upon trying to access the new system for the first time, if you indicate that you are a business, they ask you a ton of questions whose only purpose is to data mine you, and the best part is that all of the fields are required and you can’t even complete the initial account migration. While on the phone with a client, we hit the “back” button and switched to a personal profile to avoid this garbage.


  • Network Solutions
    • Oh, you’d like to forward your domain somewhere else? You’ll need to pay extra for that.
    • Laggy UI in that when you make an update, you’ll need to continually refresh their UI to see those changes take effect.